Miss Best, office manager, deals with queries from parents and members of the public. Please contact Miss Best on 0191 237 0419, at schooladmin@seghillschool.co.uk or in person at the school office. Please speak to Miss Best if you require a paper copy of anything from our website, which she will provide for you free of charge.

Breakfast Club and After School Club

Breakfast and after school club
We offer a breakfast club and after school club.
Breakfast club opens at 7:30am.  Children should be dropped off by an adult at the Club Room.  They will be provided with a breakfast and have the opportunity to socialise with friends and play games.  Breakfast club staff will take the children from the Club Room to their classroom ready for a 8:45am start.
After school club opens at 3:15pm.  After school club staff will collect the children from their classroom and take them to the Red classroom.  Children should be collected by an adult at the Red classroom by 5:30pm.  They will be provided with a snack and have the opportunity to socialise with friends, play games and do craft activities.  
Staff plan activities for the children based on their ages and interests.  Food provided will be tailored to the likes of the children who attend as well as in line with nutritional standards.
Places at breakfast club and after school club must be booked and paid for in advance on School Gateway.  Breakfast club costs £3.50 per session.  After school club costs £7.50 per session.