Miss Best, office manager, deals with queries from parents and members of the public. Please contact Miss Best on 0191 237 0419, at admin@seghill.northumberland.sch.uk or in person at the school office. Please speak to Miss Best if you require a paper copy of anything from our website, which she will provide for you free of charge.

Lunch Menu

School meals
Our school meals are cooked on the premises by our cook, Mrs Rogage.  The meals are very high quality and this is reflected in the number of children and staff who have a school meal every day.  
The meals are provided on a two week rolling programme.  We always start on week one menu after a school holiday.
School meals cost £2.40 per day, or £12.00 per week.  Please pay for school meals on the School Gateway app.
If your child requires a medically prescribed diet, please speak to Miss Best in the school office.  She will arrange a meeting to discuss your child's needs so we can plan and provide appropriate meals.