Miss Best, office manager, deals with queries from parents and members of the public. Please contact Miss Best on 0191 237 0419, at schooladmin@seghillschool.co.uk or in person at the school office. Please speak to Miss Best if you require a paper copy of anything from our website, which she will provide for you free of charge.

Headteacher's Message

Welcome to Seghill First School and to our website.  We hope that you will find this website helpful whether your child already attends our school or you are considering enrolling your child to join our school.

Seghill First School is situated in the village of Seghill in south east Northumberland.  We offer places to children in Nursery up to Year 4, ages 3 years to 9 years old.

We recognise that in placing your child in our care, you expect the very best from us and we will work hard to ensure that your child achieves their potential and thrives whilst they are with us.

One of our fundamental aims is to work in close partnership with our pupils, their parents and carers and our local community.

At Seghill First School, we -

  • work as a team to support our children’s development, irrespective of starting points;  

  • teach them to be confident, resilient and independent learners;

  • celebrate their efforts, hard work and kindness;

  • encourage them to be inquisitive and ambitious members of our school community;

  • value the importance of relationships, communication and honesty.

Ultimately, by the time our children leave our school, we want them to be equipped to become responsible global citizens.  We want them to be the very best they can be.

Please arrange a visit to our school if you are considering us as the school for your child.  Words alone cannot convey the atmosphere of our school, so please contact us to make an appointment.

If your child already attends our school, please remember to always stay in close contact with us.  We send home weekly newsletters and other information to let you know what your child is learning and the events that are happening in school.

One of the many strengths of our school is that children love coming here and that is how we want it to be.

Tracey Chappell
