Miss Best, office manager, deals with queries from parents and members of the public. Please contact Miss Best on 0191 237 0419, at admin@seghill.northumberland.sch.uk or in person at the school office. Please speak to Miss Best if you require a paper copy of anything from our website, which she will provide for you free of charge.

Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance and punctuality 
Parents and carers have a statutory duty to ensure their children attend school. 
If your child is absent, parents and carers are required to telephone the school office on the first day of absence by 9:15am.  They should explain why their child is absent and the intended date for them to return to school.  Alternatively, parents and carers can send a message via School Gateway.
If you do not inform us that your child is absent or give a reason for their absence which the headteacher is willing to authorise, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.
Please organise routine dental and medical check ups outside of school time.  If your child has a dental or medical appointment, please complete and submit a "medical or dental appointment form".
Leave of absence request during term time
Parents and carers who wish to request leave of absence during term time must complete and submit a "leave of absence during term time" to the Headteacher at least two weeks before the date of their intended leave of absence.